
The Encyclopedia Americana (1920)/Parker, Hyde

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Edition of 1920. See also Sir Hyde Parker, 5th Baronet on Wikipedia, and the disclaimer.

1322817The Encyclopedia Americana — Parker, Hyde

PARKER, Sir Hyde, English admiral: b. Devonshire, England, 1739; d. 16 March 1807. He entered the British navy, served in the war of the American Revolution, where in 1776 he commanded a small squadron, and for services in the North River was knighted in 1779. He was promoted rear-admiral in 1793, vice-admiral in 1794, and appointed commander-in-chief at Jamaica in 1796. He returned to England in 1800, was given command of the Baltic fleet and moved northward to check the measures of the armed neutrality formed by Russia, Sweden and Denmark. In the battle of Copenhagen he had no share, it being an independent move of Nelson's, who was second in command and more daring than his commander. Parker compelled Sweden to remain inactive by his appearance before Carlskrona, and was preparing to move upon Cronstadt when the death of Emperor William ended hostilities. He was shortly afterward succeeded by Nelson, and thenceforward until his death lived in retirement.